Vote McHole
Hi, I'm McHole, the man with the five holes on his face. This message has been approved by each of my holes.
Let me tell you a bit about myself before I tell you about my holes. I went to war, a war of invasion and aggression, where young people, in order to make them go, even if none of them wanted to, were pushed, and pricked and bullied and threatened that they'll be shot otherwise. I must have been the single creep that went willingly and smilingly. That's because killing and maiming is in my blood. What can I tell you?
I wasted eleven (or twelve, I forget,) eleven or twelve planes before the enemy so-called made me a prisoner. The enemy were nasty, let me tell you. Not appreciative at all that I had tried to bomb to holy shit their defenseless villages and families. They relented somehow when I carefully explained to them how many planes I'd wasted. They saw that all those planes I had previously destroyed, by being such a damned klutz, were indeed a few planes less now burning and annihilating their villages, and crops, and folks. Then of course I ratted left and right. Then I had it better; that made it much easier to survive until, with my full cooperation, we lost the war.
Let me tell you about the holes on my face. Count 'em. Five! I've been trying all along to convince you that those are in fact bullet holes. Would you believe it? Bullet holes!
I have the honor of having been mentioned, and even singled out, by that great writer and political thinker, Gore Vidal. He's on record as saying that I'm "very stupid", and that I'm very stupid "even by American standards." So that perhaps not even you, my friends, really will believe me when I tell you about the bullet holes on my face. Perhaps even you will realize that they are as a matter of fact assholes. Just assholes the five holes on my face, yes, sir!
Yes, sir, I'm that rare specimen; the man with five assholes on his face.
You know what?
Vote for McHole, the man with the assholes galore!
fóssim acollonidets; prou ens escau! els catalans som una merda; per això no tenim dret a cap dret; amb el merda que som, sense tindre’n cap, encara en tenim massa; no som castellans; ui, ells tenen tots els drets, home, és clar, i llur idioma, ei, fins es parla a parts de sudamèrica i tot; els francesos, ui, ells són la pera; llur idioma, ei, excels; el nostre, el català, una merdeta, i qui el parla? ningú, ni a València, tu! l’agraïts que els hauríem d’estar, no fotem!
Vote McHole
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quants de nassos barrigant-hi ni que no fos no gaire :
- a beetle's life's short (1)
- a man's life's short (1)
- als castellans els guanya la guerra en Hitler (1)
- Asspain is a Francoist invention (4)
- barça (2)
- bloc balenfiano botifler (2)
- Bullshit McHole (1)
- Catalònia és Europa (3)
- Cheering Crowds (1)
- ciutadans dels països Catalans (1)
- colònies de canfelip (1)
- contra els castelladres (2)
- els catalans llur únic dret és el d'ésser anorreats (1)
- esclafem el castelladre (1)
- ésser català és ésser feliç (2)
- estranyets (1)
- feixistes descarats (1)
- femer castelladre (1)
- five assholes (1)
- forasters que fan la farina blana als enemics (1)
- generacions espontànies (2)
- hideous witling (1)
- home bo (1)
- homèrics Catalans (2)
- igualtats (1)
- inici (1)
- inquisidors (1)
- insulting creep (1)
- Kenyan (1)
- l'arrokha ha arrokhat (1)
- l'avarícia dels castelladres és divinal (1)
- l’exèrcit feixista castelladre és el més covard del món (3)
- life as a beetle (1)
- llibertat (1)
- lliga catalana i prou (1)
- Long Distance Runner No Longer Alone (1)
- Marathon Runner (1)
- mort a la xarneganya (1)
- mort als franquistes (4)
- mots trets de The Independent (1)
- no enraonéssim MAI en castellà (4)
- no hem mai de perdre de vista l'objectiu - la Independència (1)
- nosaltres sols (2)
- nosaltres som no pas xenòfobs mes antifranquistes i prou (1)
- odi a l'ocupant castelladre (2)
- old nazi dog (1)
- parèmies (1)
- qui no sap parlar en català com cal no és català i prou (1)
- qui no vol ésser independent vol ésser esclau (1)
- religió és cosa de mones (1)
- tampax in lieu of tea bags (1)
- tètric pallasso garçon (1)
- the rat that ratted (1)
- Thierry Henry (1)
- tortures contra els catalans (1)
- turd-sucking right-wingers (1)
- twenty thousand Catalonians demonstrate in Brussels (1)
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