fóssim acollonidets; prou ens escau! els catalans som una merda; per això no tenim dret a cap dret; amb el merda que som, sense tindre’n cap, encara en tenim massa; no som castellans; ui, ells tenen tots els drets, home, és clar, i llur idioma, ei, fins es parla a parts de sudamèrica i tot; els francesos, ui, ells són la pera; llur idioma, ei, excels; el nostre, el català, una merdeta, i qui el parla? ningú, ni a València, tu! l’agraïts que els hauríem d’estar, no fotem!


Oh, bummer! But anyway life goes on, bro'!

Life's too short

Oh bly me, Obama!

Life's too short

Don't blame me

For i did always favor Kucinich.

Oh-bly-me, Obama,

Life goes on, bro...!

Once you're shafted you scream up

But bye and bye you then shut up.

Oh-bly-me, Obama,

At least he's better than the old creep...

Let Obama do his pretty face...

And let McKiller bite the dust.

Too-too-too! Too-too-too!



Hillary works all day at the market place

Obama does his pretty face

And at the end of the day, so one hopes,

The whole band sings the happy songs...

Don't blame me

Oh-bly-me, Obama,

One never does as good

As one has all along been hoping for!

La-la-la! La-la-la!




quants de nassos barrigant-hi ni que no fos no gaire :


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