Is the Catalonians sacred duty to struggle for Independence.
And that's the message, man.
"We call on all our Indoamerican brothers to bandy with us.
We say Colombians, Mexicans, Chileans, Argentinians, Paraguaians, Uruguaians, Costa Ricans, Cubans, Equatorians, Guatemalans, Bolivians, Veneçuelans, Salvadorenians, Panamenians, Peruvians, Hondurians, and Nicaraguans... You are All our brothers against the tyrannical castilian shit.
As all of you wanted liberation from such horrendous shit...
So do we, your Catalonian brothers against the fascist castilian asspainish shit.
As you wanted to speak Colombian, and now you speak Colombian
As you wanted to speak Mexican, and now you speak Mexican
As you wanted to speak Chilean, and now you speak Chilean
As you wanted to speak Argentinian, and now you speak Argentinian
As you wanted to speak Paraguaian, and now you speak Paraguaian
As you wanted to speak Uruguaian, and now you speak Uruguaian
As you wanted to speak Costa Rican, and now you speak Costa Rican
As you wanted to speak Cuban, and now you speak Cuban
As you wanted to speak Equatorian, and now you speak Equatorian
As you wanted to speak Guatemalan, and now you speak Guatemalan
As you wanted to speak Bolivian, and now you speak Bolivian
As you wanted to speak Veneçuelan, and now you speak Veneçuelan
As you wanted to speak Salvadorenian, and now you speak Salvadorenian
As you wanted to speak Panamenian, and now you speak Panamenian
As you wanted to speak Peruvian, and now you speak Peruvian
As you wanted to speak Hondurian, and now you speak Hondurian
As you wanted to speak Nicaraguan, and now you speak Nicaraguan
And never speak the castilian asspainish shit,
So do we want to speak Catalonian and never the castilian asspainish shit.
As you say death to asspain, so do we!
Help us forever, we are friends in liberty.
We struggle for freedom and independence.
We are against the rotten thieves.
We are against the ff..., ff..., ff..., speakers of ff..., fffffffff..., you know, you've heard them, you've recoiled in horror as we recoil in horror when we hear them, shitty castilian asspainish shit speaking their shitty asspainish castilian shit.
Death to asspain."
End of message. The bloody fight goes on.
fóssim acollonidets; prou ens escau! els catalans som una merda; per això no tenim dret a cap dret; amb el merda que som, sense tindre’n cap, encara en tenim massa; no som castellans; ui, ells tenen tots els drets, home, és clar, i llur idioma, ei, fins es parla a parts de sudamèrica i tot; els francesos, ui, ells són la pera; llur idioma, ei, excels; el nostre, el català, una merdeta, i qui el parla? ningú, ni a València, tu! l’agraïts que els hauríem d’estar, no fotem!
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